Saturday, May 3, 2008

Real-Time Locomotion Control by Sensing Gloves

Real-Time Locomotion Control by Sensing Gloves

Komura maps the motions of the fingers as measured by P5 glove to the motion of a humanoid figure in a real time game. The user first mimicks a reference character so that finger bend and hand orientation can be mapped to various parts of the virtual figure. This is done by matching the perioid of change in finger flex to the period of the figure's motion. Users were successfully able to control a figure in a game.

The authors subtly switch from P5 to cyberglove for their experiments suggesting that the P5 does not have the sensitivity necessary for this system. In the experiments the user took more time to complete tasks but collided fewer times on average, suggesting that they were more careful when using the glove.

Taku Komura, Wai-Chun Lam; Real-time locomotion control by sensing gloves; Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 17:5, 513-525, 2006

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