Sunday, May 4, 2008

Invariant features for 3-D gesture recognition

Invariant features for 3-D gesture recognition

Campbell et al test a variety of features for gesture recognition. They combine various Cartesian and polar coordinates, as well as velocities, speed, and curvature, and use these features as input to HMMs. They find that radial speeds perform the best.

I was hoping for some novel features, but instead ended up with the usual speed, curvature, and position.

Campbell, L.W.; Becker, D.A.; Azarbayejani, A.; Bobick, A.F.;Pentland, A., "Invariant features for 3-D gesture recognition,"Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 1996., Proceedings of the Second International Conference on , vol., no., pp.157-162, 14-16 Oct 1996.

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