Sunday, May 4, 2008

Taiwan sign language (TSL) recognition based on 3D data and neural networks

Taiwan sign language (TSL) recognition based on 3D data and neural networks

Lee and Tsai recognize Taiwan sign language with neural networks. The hands were tracked with a Vicon system with markers on the finger tips and uses as features the distance between the finger tips and wrist and between each of the pairs of fingertips. These are input into a back-propagation neural network with three hidden layers and an output node for every class. At large hidden layer sizes, the network can achieve over 94% accuracy on test data

Vicon hand tracking + neural network = posture classifier.

Yung-Hui Lee and Cheng-Yueh Tsai, Taiwan sign language (TSL) recognition based on 3D data and neural networks, Expert Systems with ApplicationsIn Press, Corrected Proof, , Available online 17 November 2007.

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