Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cyber Composer: Hand Gesture-Driven Intelligent Music Composition and Generation

Cyber Composer: Hand Gesture-Driven Intelligent Music Composition and Generation

Ip et al present a system that interprets hand and arm motion into music. They begin with a discussion of music theory that helps them determine what tones to play. Musical theory such as chord coherence and cadence can help determine which chord should follow previous ones. The system itself is composed of a pair of CyberGloves and a Polhemus 3D position tracker for each glove. The right hand determines the melody. New notes are generated when the user flexes his wrist, and the height of the hand determines the pitch of the note. Vertical movement of the hand can cause the pitch to shift with the motion. Finger flexion determines the dynamics and volume of the note. Lifting the left hand brings in a second instrument to play in either unison or harmony, and clenching the left hand initiates cadence and terminates the music.

After desribing the system a usability discussion would have been useful. Waving the hand to generate notes seems like it would be very tiring. The use of chord coherence used to determine the next chord suggests that picking the chord you want may be difficult, and only possible by trial and error through pitch shifting. Also the use of Cybergloves is somewhat over kill, since all they are interested in is when the wrist bends and the general degree of finger flex.

Ip, H. H. S., K. C. K. Law, et al. (2005). Cyber Composer: Hand Gesture-Driven Intelligent Music Composition and Generation. Multimedia Modelling Conference, 2005. MMM 2005. Proceedings of the 11th International.

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